Meet The Directors

Our Society has been and always will be 100% volunteer-driven, including our very active Board of Directors. We’d like to introduce you to a passionate group of individuals with fresh ideas looking to the future of Chinese Canadian culture.

John Dong, President,
President, Sien Lok Society of Calgary
President, Hong Kong Canada Business Association (Calgary)
Director, Dragon Boat Society (Calgary)
Past Director Calgary Chinatown Business Improvement Area (2017-2019)
Past VP Asian Heritage Foundation (2010-2017)
President, Royal Liquor Merchants
President, Millrise Estates Ltd.
Profession: Professional Accountant, B.Comm, CMA, CPA

Les Louis, Vice President
Sien Lok member since 1999
Sien Lok Director from 2004-present
Check back soon for an updated bio

Chris Lu, Treasurer
Sien Lok member since
Check back soon for an updated bio

Gaylene Redman, Secretary
Sien Lok member since 2017
A long standing member of the Hong Kong business Association.
Profession: Digital Media Account Consultant
Company: Yellow Pages Media

Grace Ma, Director
Sien Lok member since 2017
Born in Hong Kong. Immigrated to Canada 1967. Retired for several years and proudly volunteering for the community. Active with Sien Lok Society, Dragon boat society, Mah Society, Cando Musical Society and Hoy Sun Association.

Danny Ng, Director
Sien Lok member since 2012
Danny Ng has been involved in the Calgary Chinese community for a long time. He brings extensive experience for organizing groups and is an assest to the Sien Lok Society. He enjoys volunteering and participating within the Chinese community. He is also a founding member of the Calgary Dragon Boat Society.
Profession: Business development on an international scale.

Annie Louis, Director
Sien Lok member since
Check back soon for an updated bio